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In the next five years to new nuclear power investment 500 billion

"Fukushima years of China's nuclear industry development into the winter period, along with 2025 made in China, the development of the nuclear power industry is welcoming spring. Peers to have confidence in nuclear power development!" Nuclear power in China on May 21 international conference, the national development and reform commission of the international cooperation center, director of the institute of international energy Wang Jin said so.

"Made in China 2025" formally introduced this week, nuclear power will also accelerate the pace of "going out", China's goal is to make the transition from the nuclear powers to nuclear power. The world nuclear association's director Francois Morin also confident about the outlook for the global nuclear power industry development. "In the future, the scale of the global nuclear products and services procurement market will reach $575 billion. Among them, the aging of the reactor units will be demolished in 2030, this part will also bring a $92 billion investment."

He also warned that China's nuclear power to go out to a domestic industry development advantage, but can't be too eager, nuclear power project construction cost is large, and some policy legal obstacles, "China's nuclear power to go out, need time".

New nuclear power amount is 500 billion in the next five years

Wang Jin believe that frequent fog haze, domestic environment has had a huge pressure on energy structure adjustment, in addition, climate change on carbon emission reduction demands also reversed transmission of clean energy transformation. "Nuclear power, will become an important pillar industry of the future of clean energy."

With similar views, China's nuclear power industry association deputy secretary-general Xu Yuming with data for domestic nuclear power enterprise outlined a blueprint.

Xu Yuming introduction, in the year to April, the domestic in transport, under construction and plans to build a total of 52 sets of nuclear power unit, which has been put into operation with 23 units, the total installed capacity of 21.4 GW, 27, under construction in total installed capacity of 29 GW, has been approved and two (2). "This year, there will be 4 to 6 units to get approval, there are 4 to 6 in operation. By the end of this year, the total installed capacity of the unit will reach 30 gw, at that time, China has the largest nuclear power will be ranked fourth in the world, the total generating capacity of nuclear power will exceed Japan."

He said: "according to the nuclear power development plan, by 2020, and 35 gw of new nuclear power installed capacity in China, each year 100 billion new nuclear power investment, including equipment for 50 billion. This means that nuclear power total investment will reach 500 billion in the next five years."

At the beginning of this week, "made in China 2025" officially printed by the state council, the power equipment become one of the ten strategic industry "going out". Xu Yuming thought that the strategic planning of nuclear power equipment manufacturing, the development of nuclear power industry is a big positive. At present, the domestic nuclear power market, nuclear, CGNPC, national nuclear power in the three central enterprises are the main nuclear power enterprises, and with the "2025" and so on many national support policy implementation and propulsion, private capital will also have the hope to share the dividend of nuclear power development.


But Wang Jin also pointed out that usher in huge opportunities at the same time, the development of nuclear power industry is also facing challenges. In our country by the end of 2014, for example, only 177 years of experience in nuclear power operation, compared with the nuclear powers, such as the French 2000 years of experience, or less.

In addition, 50% of the world's nuclear power plants for inland nuclear power station, and in the coastal area, the distribution in our country inland nuclear power construction planning all suspended because of Japan's fukushima nuclear accident. From the point of view of commercial operation, AP1000 as the three generations of the advanced technology, the world is still no business shipments experience; Our hualong and CAP1400 1 as our independent research and development of three generations of technical experience in the same lack of business shipments on behalf of the support; And at present due to the environment, adjacent to avoid impact, progress of the construction of the nuclear power units in our country lags behind, at the current capacity and the construction cycle, to achieve the aim of total 2020 still has the certain difficulty.

The meeting, the media the most emphasis on the development of inland nuclear power. Xu Yuming said, China's nuclear power industry association has on a BBS carried out detailed discussion on the development of inland nuclear power. "I personally think that, with China's current technology to build nuclear power project in inland security is guaranteed, I am very confident. We plant a lot of security measures, even in extreme cases, also won't affect the water."

Xu Yuming said, when inland nuclear power construction, in fact not a technology problem, but a public understanding, support and resolve problems of government. Like the French, more than half of nuclear power is built in the inland. Now China needs to further nuclear power technology, safety science, eliminate the doubts of the public, to make the government eventually to weigh the risks and benefits and decision-making.

"We want, for the sake of the industry's development, had better be in thirteen viscera, not later than the latest launched in 2018, construction of inland nuclear power." He said.

Go out and can't get rich quick

Enter since may, China's own three generation technology of hualong first demonstration project - 1 fuqing nuclear power unit 5 officially started. This is nuclear power since the resumption of China's first official landing domestic three generation nuclear power unit.

CGNPC group technical director wen-zhong tang as an industry expert reporter is introduced into the 21st century economy, in the domestic nuclear group has successfully exported a four nuclear power unit, become the first army of nuclear power to go out. At present in the nuclear group is working with 20 countries such as Argentina, Egypt, the British nuclear cooperation talks. Among them, the nuclear now has 3 units under construction in Pakistan, below 5 units.

Wen-zhong tang, the nucleus and widely not only in charge of hualong 1, also for the second generation unit and improve the study design and engineering contractor. A nuclear power project, the UK is led by method of electricity, nuclear and CGNPC joint participation in the development and construction.

"Three nuclear power enterprises when going out, will be to coordinate, the national development and reform commission and industry alliance. Without the vicious competition to a project. If after the Argentine project, then the two together to participate in the bidding." Wen-zhong tang said.

For the future of "going out" strategy planning, wen-zhong tang said CGNPC walked out of the project is not too much at present, the current focus areas in the UK, namibia and Africa. Africa as a fuel base to develop, Europe is the key area of nuclear power plant construction operation. In addition, the country's nuclear power group will also construction four nuclear power plant in Turkey.

"Nuclear power to go out, not just to promote a single project, but to drive the whole of the nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry to go out and realize capital, technology, equipment, engineering services, operation services to go out together." Wen-zhong tang prospects for nuclear power to go out, "nuclear power to go out, and now there are no technical barriers. Mainly overseas destinations such as law, policy, regulation and financing problem."

The world nuclear association's director Francois Morin also pointed out that China's nuclear power enterprises should clearly recognize that "before the international reputation and market share, still need a long time".

He said the first nuclear power project need huge funds, enterprises need a loan or equity financing, "how to solve the problem of financing, is a common challenge in front of all enterprises". In addition, the investment and financing policy of each country is different, the nuclear power enterprises go out before the project, to and around the policy, law, regulation, etc. To get up to speed.

He said, at present, the UK, the Turkish government has some attractive nuclear power project. But regulators in Britain and some other countries, obtain a license must first be assessed. "China's hualong also rated 1 2 years to determine whether or not to license. Not soon can get it under control."

"I didn't mean to disappoint you, I just present some objective facts and challenges. Although the Chinese nuclear power operations in the nuclear export and overseas has accumulated rich experience, but different countries have different decision-making procedures, when nuclear power to go out to deal with various challenges. You must follow the local government, environmental groups, have a lot of regulators, etc."

Morin said, "we need to study hard copy those international nuclear giant 60 years of operating experience, their own technology and operations management best. Market space is very big still, I don't think, don't lose."
